Fa’amanuia atu le Ao Mamalu ‘o le Mālō ‘i le Manu Sāmoa ‘auā ana ta’aloga ‘o le 2024

Na āsia ‘e le ‘au ‘a le Manu Sāmoa lana Afioga ‘i le Ao Mamalu ‘o le Mālō Sāmoa, Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aleto’a Sualauvi II ‘i le Aso Faraile, a’o lumana’i ai le ta’aloga muamua ‘a le Manu ma Italia ‘i le Aso Faraile 5 ‘o Iulai, ‘e faia ‘i le Apia Park.
‘O se avanoa tāua na maua ‘e feiloa’i atu ai le Āo ‘o le Mālō ‘i tama tā’a’alo ‘uma, fa’apea faiā’oga ma le pūlega. Sa tulei fa’amanuia lana Afioga mo le ‘au, ‘auā tāpenaga ‘uma, ma sa ia momoliina le fa’afetai ‘i tama ‘uma ‘ua filifilia, ‘ona ‘o le lotonu’u, ma le fa’aeaea ‘i le igoa ‘o Sāmoa, ‘aemaise ‘o le tele ‘o nisi ‘o fānau, na fānanau ‘i atunu’u ‘e mamao, a’o le loto lava mō nai ō lātou mātua ma ‘aiga na soifua a’e ‘i Sāmoa, ‘ua māfua ai le si’i mai ‘o le lima, ‘e tautua Sāmoa ‘i lenei ta’aloga ‘o le lakapī.
The Manu Sāmoa team visited His Highness, the Head of State Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aletoa Sualauvi II on Friday, ahead of their first match against Italy on Friday 5th July, held at Apia Park.
It was an important opportunity for His Highness to meet all the players, as well as the coaching staff and management. His Highness wished the team well, for all their preparations, and he thanked all the boys who were selected, for their patriotism and pride in representing the name of Sāmoa, especially some of the players, who were born in distant countries, while their hearts lie with the home their parents and families were raised in, and therefore the reason they raised their hands to serve Sāmoa in the sport of Rugby.
PHOTO: Manu Sāmoa visit Head of State. Sāmoa Capital Radio