Sīlia ma le 400 fale ‘i Wairoa ma Hastings na lolovaia ‘i lōlōga

‘E silia ma le 400 fale ‘i Wairoa ma le tele ‘o fale ‘i Hastings na lōlōvaia ‘i lōlōga. Na tapunia fo’i le State Highway numera 38 ‘i le pō ‘anapō, ‘ona ‘o lōlōga. Na ‘ave’esea mai tagata ‘i ō latou fale ‘i le aso ‘ananafi, ma ‘o lo ‘o fa’aauau pea le mamafa ‘o tīmūga ma le maualuluga ‘o galu ‘o le sami, ‘ua āfua ai fo’i ‘ona vave le maualuga ‘o le si’itia ‘o le suāvai ‘i vaitafe. ‘E o’o mai ‘i le pō ‘anapō, ‘o lo ‘o ‘i ai pea Heretaunga ‘i lapata’iga ‘ona ‘o le si’isi’i ‘o le suāvai ma le tetele ‘o tīmūga. ‘O lo ‘o valo’ia ‘e le ‘Ofisa ‘o le Vā’ai Tau, le ono o’o atu lava ‘i taeao ‘o le māmāfa ‘o tīmūga ‘i ia pitonu’u.
More than 400 homes in Wairoa and many homes in Hastings were flooded. State Highway 38 was also closed last night due to flooding and slips. People were evacuated from their homes yesterday, and the heavy rains including the high waves of the sea continues to water level increases in the river levels to rise rapidly. As of last night, Heretaunga is still under weather warnings due to rising water levels and heavy rainfall. The Weather Forecast Office predicts that the heavy rains will continue through until tomorrow in these affected areas.