Side Event: Indigenous Wealth of the Commonwealth

by | Oct 22, 2024 | CHOGM 2024, Sāmoa

This side event, held at the Court House in Mulinu’u drew attention to three particular aspects. These being the Indigenous wealth of Knowledge, Indigenous wealth of Resources and the Indigenous wealth of Custodianship.

The session deliberated the criticality of our leadership as custodians of our heritage, people and ocean as well as our land and cultural traditions. These, together with collective responsibility are key to guarantee the sustainability of our heritage in the future as nations under the Commonwealth. Custodianship in regards to leadership provides space for all individuals to safeguard our heritage through our actions.

What then is our role in protecting Indigenous knowledge and resources within our communities? Panelists altogether agreed that the answers and solutions for the challenges faced especially by those that are prone to Climate Change lies within Indigenous wealth and the knowledge systems that have been passed down to us from our elders as these knowledge systems helped us survive for centuries. Our values and Indigenous knowledge provide a sense of community that is crucial for promoting sustainable development.

A member of the panel also talked about the role of young people as stewards; to care and to protect our natural resources, paying attention to the interconnectedness of all of creation and the responsibilities that come with stewardship. Spirituality was also mentioned as an important factor in Indigenous custodianship as they reinforce the idea that all living things are relatives and deserve care as intended by God in the beginning of creation. Collective action and a sense of responsibility are essential so that the fire of Indigenous Wealth does NOT die.

ATA: CHOGM 2024 – Day II – GAPP event – Indigenous People’s Wealth Event.